
NIWA aims to provide the knowledge needed for the sound environmental management of our marine resources.

  • Coastal flooding likely to be main driver for adaptation

    Media release
    New NIWA-led research shows increasing flood risk is going to be what leads people to make changes to adapt to sea-level rise.
  • Fabulous Fiordland showcased in new e-Guide

    Media release
    With cascading waterfalls and native bush tumbling down mountainous terrain, Fiordland is one of the most eye-catching parts of the country. But peer beneath the waves and you'll see that Fiordland's marine invertebrate and seaweed communities are every bit as remarkable and awe-inspiring.
  • Scientists, iwi investigate bringing back rock oyster industry

    Media release
    A project is under way to determine whether Aotearoa New Zealand’s long defunct rock oyster industry can be revived.
  • Supercharging the view from above

    Feature story
    From the rocky shores of Wellington’s South Coast to the icy waters of Antarctica, NIWA scientists are combining drone technology with advanced computer skills to map, measure and analyse the natural environment as never before. Campbell Gardiner explains.
  • New weapon in fight against invasive aquatic weeds

    Media release
    A combination of artificial intelligence and scientific ingenuity looks set to be the next step forward in protecting Aotearoa New Zealand’s lakes and rivers from invasive aquatic weeds.
  • Study discovers microplastics in New Zealand’s seabed

    Media release
    A pilot study carried out by NIWA and the University of Auckland has found microplastics in samples collected from the seafloor in the Marlborough Sounds.
  • Tsunami generated by underwater volcanoes

    Research Project
    Marsden-funded research investigating how erupting volcanoes can cause deadly and damaging tsunamis.
  • Explosive research sheds light on volcanic tsunami

    Feature story
    Innovative experiments are giving natural hazard researchers and PhD students a close look at how erupting volcanoes can cause deadly and damaging tsunamis.
  • NIWA in the field: Sampling the Waimakariri

    Feature story
    Environmental monitoring technician Patrick Butler has spent hours travelling between the upper and lower reaches of Canterbury’s Waimakariri and Hurunui Rivers. His mission – river water quality sampling.
  • Storm surge and wave forecasting

    We combine capabilities in weather, wave, storm surge and tide forecasting with tide gauge observations.
  • Lost scientific buoy recovered from Kāpiti seafloor

    News article
    Researchers have recovered a scientific buoy from the Kāpiti Marine Reserve that went missing in late March.
  • Marine reserves join ocean acidification network

    Media release
    A joint NIWA and Department of Conservation (DOC) project is extending New Zealand’s ocean acidification monitoring network to include marine reserves.