NIWA Invertebrate Collection
Software Tool/ResourceThe NIWA Invertebrate Collection (NIC) holds specimens from almost all invertebrate phyla. This is a result of about half a century of marine taxonomic and biodiversity research in the New Zealand region, the South West Pacific and the Ross Sea, Antarctica. -
NIWA Vessels
NIWA's vessels are world-class environmental monitoring and research platforms. -
Algae production
ServiceNIWA is working on macroalgae and microalgae with a wide range of stakeholders, government agencies, current clients and potential partners. -
Download Bathymetry Data
Software Tool/ResourceThis dataset provides the most up-to-date bathymetry of one of the largest areas of deep-water seabed under national jurisdiction. -
Ocean gliders
ServiceUsing a novel observational platform – ocean gliders—this research will observe and understand subsurface variations in temperature, salinity, oxygen and biological factors in water shallower than 200 metres – what we consider to be the shelf seas. -
NZTD - The New Zealand Trait Database for marine benthic invertebrates
Software Tool/ResourceTraits are defined as the components of organisms that can be measured and have an effect on ecosystem functioning. Examples of traits include the behaviour, life history, morphology, and physiology characteristics -
eDNA research and services
ServiceNIWA is active in a broad range of eDNA topics and can provide expert advice on applications and expected outcomes. -
Seaweed research and services
ServiceNIWA has world-class expertise in marine macroalgae and extensive research on various aspects of seaweed ecology, growth and taxonomy. -
Ocean services
ServiceHow can we help you? -
Marine Environment Classification
ServiceThe Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes. -
Other research instruments
ServiceScientists across NIWA use specialist tools manufactured across the world to perform their research and environmental consultancy.