Te Kūwaha and Māori

Sharing knowledge with Māori communities and empowering Māori business with the latest science.

We are NIWA, Taihoro Nukurangi - Te Reo
Te Kūwaha, NIWA’s National Centre for Māori Environmental Research is a dedicated Māori research team, with a vision to work in partnership with others to enable complementary knowledge systems to support kaitiakitanga and provide environmental research excellence that enhances the social, environmental and economic aspirations of whānau, hapū and iwi, Māori communities and Māori business.

  • Te Ukaipo o Hinemoana (Cumulative effects)

    Software Tool/Resource
    Online decision-support web mapping tools for informing the management of cumulative effects in the coastal and marine environment.
  • (no image provided)

    Report: Trends analysis for selected indicators of Waikato River health and wellbeing 2010-2019

    Report: Trends analysis for selected indicators of Waikato River health and wellbeing 2010-2019
  • Taonga Species Series

    NIWA, through the MBIE-funded Cultural Keystone Species programme (2016-2020), have developed a series of iwi engagement booklets sharing science knowledge to support species management strategy.
  • Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA)

    To prepare for changes in climate, our freshwater and oceans decision-makers need information on species vulnerability to climate change.
  • Kaitiaki Tools

    Easing the resource consent process