RiskScape, a collaboration between NIWA and GNS Science, is a software application for analysing natural hazard consequences.
RiskScape software provides a risk analysis framework for calculating consequences to people, buildings, infrastructure, the environment and other elements exposed to any natural hazard type.
The software’s flexible designed provides disaster risk researchers and professionals with a tool to improve their understanding of natural hazard risk, make risk-based decisions and implement cost-effective risk reduction.
About RiskScape software
RiskScape software supports a flexible modelling engine for multi-hazard risk analysis. It gives modellers the ability to customise risk model workflows and data that feeds into these models.
RiskScape software is built on open source programming languages and complies with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards for spatial analysis of multi-hazard risk.
A 2022 paper in the journal Natural Hazards, RiskScape: a flexible multi-hazard risk modelling engine, presents the architecture and features of RiskScape software.
Partnership with Toka Tū Ake EQC
In 2019 Toka Tū Ake EQC joined NIWA and GNS Science in developing of RiskScape as its future multi-hazard risk modelling software.
Read the August 2019 media release about this here.
RiskScape prototype software
A RiskScape desktop software prototype was released in 2017 and is no longer supported.