B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
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Dr Emily Lane is a hydrodynamic scientist with a specific focus on natural hazards. She is actively researching tsunami, storm surge and flooding inundation. She is interested in tsunamis caused by mechanisms other than earthquakes such as submarine landslides and volcanos. She is currently leading a Marsden project to better understand volcanic tsunamis by studying their mechanisms physically and numerically. She is also leading Mā te haumaru ō te wai - an Endeavour programme focussed on understanding Aotearoa's flood inundation hazard and risk at a national level and using this to improve our resilience to flooding. She has been involved in a probabilistic hazard assessment of the submarine-landslide-generated tsunamis in Cook Strait Canyon. She is a member of the Tsunami Expert Panel who provide expert advice to Civil Defence during tsunami alerts. Her background is applied mathematics and she has a PhD in applied mathematics with a geoscience minor from the University of Arizona. She has been working at NIWA since 2006.
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