• The Ross Sea Region Research and Monitoring Programme

    Research Project
    The Ross Sea Region Research and Monitoring Programme (Ross-RAMP) is a five-year research programme funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and run by NIWA to evaluate the effectiveness of the Ross Sea Marine Protected Area.
  • Ross Sea Environment and Ecosystem Voyage 2019

    Research Project
    The Ross Sea region is vital to the future of the Antarctic ecosystem.
  • Atmospheric ozone, ultraviolet radiation, and stratospheric change

    Research Project
    CFCs have damaged the ozone layer and led to higher UV levels and increased health risks. Our role is to understand the causes and effects of ozone depletion, to inform the public of the risk.
  • Antarctic fisheries research

    Research Project
    NIWA’s Antarctic fisheries research is allowing us to investigate possible effects of the longline Antarctic toothfish fishery on the toothfish population and on the local ecosystem.
  • Ross Sea fish surveys

    Research Project
    We don’t clearly understand the ecological effects of commerical toothfish fishing in the Ross Sea region. To improve our knowledge, we conducted a survey of demersal (bottom-dwelling) fish species on the Ross Sea slope - particularly grenadiers and icefish - during the 2015 Antarctic Ecosystems Voyage.
  • Southern Ocean seas and atmosphere

    Research Project
    This research voyage aimed to provide data to contribute to better global climate and oceanographic models
  • Ocean acidification and warming

    Research Project
    Acidification of the world’s oceans from rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels reduces the availability of carbonate required by some marine organisms to build shells and skeletons, and potentially affects their ability to maintain existing structures.
  • Understanding past changes in the Southern Ocean

    Research Project
    The Southern Ocean has a strong influence on New Zealand and global climate. To understand how the oceans have changed over 1000s of years we use sediment archives from the seafloor.
  • Chemistry-climate modelling

    Research Project
    This research project focusses on modelling atmospheric chemistry and climate from the surface to the top of the stratosphere, using sophisticated chemistry-climate models.
  • Plankton biodiversity in the Southern Ocean

    Research Project
    NIWA is conducting a five–year study to map changes in the distribution of plankton species in surface waters between New Zealand and the Ross Sea.
  • Greenhouse gases and climate sensitivity - insights from ice cores

    Research Project
    By analysing air trapped in ancient ice we can see how wetlands and permafrosts responded to warming periods in the past, and help predict what will happen in the future.