Coasts key contacts

Talk to our Coasts team

Dr Scott Stephens

Chief Scientist - Coasts and Estuaries

Dr Scott Stephens is a coastal-hazards scientist with a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Waikato. He joined NIWA in 2001 and specialises in extreme sea-level and wave analysis and assessment of coastal hazards for adaptation to sea-level rise. From 2019–21 Scott was an assistant regional manager, undertaking a wide range of NIWA's activities operations and science delivery. In 2021 he became Chief Scientist, overseeing NIWA’s science strategy and delivery for Coasts & Estuaries.

Dr Scott Stephens
Dr Scott Stephens, Chief Scientist - Coasts and Estuaries

Dr Drew Lohrer

Strategy Manager - Coasts & Estuaries

Drew has worked for NIWA since 2002 and has extensive expertise in marine seafloor ecology in temperate coasts and estuaries and Antarctic coastal environments. This includes primary production and nutrient dynamics in soft-sediment habitats, animal-sediment interactions, disturbance-recovery processes, and ecosystem functioning. He took up his current role in 2021.

Dr Drew Lohrer
Dr Drew Lohrer, Strategy Manager - Coasts & Estuaries

Dr Andrew Swales

Principal Scientist - Coastal and Estuarine Physical Processes

Andrew specialises in estuarine sedimentary processes and biogeomorphology, with 25 years experience as a research scientist. He holds a BSc and MSc (1st Class Honours, University of Auckland) and a PhD (The University of Queensland).  Specialist skills and interests include sediment geochronology, sediment-source tracing using compound specific stable isotope (CSSI)   techniques, mangrove ecology and morphological evolution, geostatistical methods and land use impacts on estuaries.  Andrew leads NIWA’s Catchments to Estuaries Programme, which is focused on understanding and predicting the connections between catchments and estuaries to improve the management of diffuse-source contaminants (i.e., fine sediments, nutrients and microbes) in estuaries. 

Andrew’s research involves multi-disciplinary research collaborations with scientists from NZ and international institutions. Projects include reconstruction of environmental changes using CSSI and radioisotope techniques, investigating human impacts on estuarine sedimentation regimes, predicting effects of fine suspended sediments and dissolved substances on estuarine water clarity, and the biophysical processes and feedbacks driving mangrove-forest ecology and biogeomorphic evolution. Andrew applies techniques and understanding gained from research to assist resource managers with integrated catchment-estuary management.

Dr Andrew Swales
Dr Andrew Swales, Principal Scientist - Coastal and Estuarine Physical Processes

Dr Vonda Cummings

Principal Scientist - Marine Ecology

Vonda is a marine ecologist with interest in the diversity and functioning of coastal seafloor communities and habitats and the environmental factors that influence them. Her research is focused on the implications of acidification, climate change and other anthropogenically-derived changes to our oceans, and how they influence key components of NZ and Antarctic ecosystems – now and into the future.

Dr Vonda Cummings
Dr Vonda Cummings, Principal Scientist - Marine Ecology

Dr Graeme Inglis

Chief Science Advisor

Graeme leads NIWA's Marine Biosecurity research programme, which is a partnership involving NIWA, the Cawthron Institute, and the Ministry for Primary Industries. He is a member of the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group, a Technical Advisor to the GEF/UNDP/IMO Global Ballast Water Management Programme and sits on advisory panels for implementation of New Zealand's Biosecurity Science Strategy and MAF Biosecurity NZ's Biosecurity Surveillance Committee. Graeme's research is primarily on the design and implementation of marine pest surveillance, including early detection, baseline and delimiting surveys for unwanted marine organisms.

Contact Dr Graeme Inglis
Dr Graeme Inglis, Chief Science Advisor

Dr Christo Rautenbach

Coastal and Estuarine Physical Processes Scientist

I am a double PhD, 1st in Applied Mathematics and the 2nd in Physical Oceanography with a broad range of numerical modelling experience. My main interests are coastal and ocean hydro- and wave dynamics. I have over 10 years’ experience as a senior scientist in the disciplines of operational physical oceanography, coastal engineering and coastal dynamics research.

Dr Christo Rautenbach
Dr Christo Rautenbach, Coastal and Estuarine Physical Processes Scientist

Darcel Rickard

Maori Organisational Development Manager

Iwi / hapū: Ngāti Koata, Tainui-a-whiro, Ngāti Porou

Darcel works closely with the General Manager – Māori and Pacific Partnerships, the Pou Whakarae – Te Hiringa Taiao and NIWA’s Operations Management Team to implement NIWA’s bicultural organisational development strategy. She works to enhance existing processes, develop and lead new initiatives and provide strategic advice and support.

Darcel also leads the science communication and outreach programme for Te Kūwaha; NIWA’s Māori workforce development and cultural competency programme; and Te Piko o te Māhuri – NIWA's Māori Capability Development programme.

Darcel Rickard
Darcel Rickard, Māori Organisational Development Manager

Dr Erica Williams

Chief Scientist - Te Kūwaha team

Iwi / hapū: Te Arawa, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Pikiao, Te Whānau ā ApanuiPou Whakarae - Te Hiringa Taiao

Erica joined NIWA in 1995 and has been a member of NIWA’s Te Kūwaha team since its inception. As Chief Scientist, Erica is responsible for driving high standards of quality, excellence, and innovation in NIWA’s science leadership in the Māori Environmental Research area. Erica has an extensive research career in the freshwater space with a focus on supporting the research aspirations of whānau, hapū and iwi. Erica is also a key mentor for Te Kūwaha team members and NIWA staff who engage in Māori environmental research.

Dr Erica Williams
Dr Erica Williams, Chief Scientist - Te Kūwaha team
Staff member Job Title Contact
Staff member Alan Orpin Job Title Principal Scientist - Marine Geology Contact Email
Staff member Alison MacDiarmid Job Title Senior Regional Manager - Wellington Contact Email
Staff member Andrew Miller Job Title Principal Technician - Marine Ecology Contact Email
Staff member Andrew Swales Job Title Principal Scientist - Coastal and Estuarine Physical Processes Contact Email
Staff member Ashley Rowden Job Title Principal Scientist - Marine Ecology Contact Email
Staff member Barry Greenfield Job Title Marine Ecology Technician Contact Email
Staff member Carolyn Lundquist Job Title Principal Scientist - Marine Ecology Contact Email
Staff member Chris Woods Job Title Marine Ecologist Contact Email
Staff member Connon Andrews Job Title Manager - Pacific Partnerships Contact Email
Staff member Cyprien Bosserelle Job Title Hydrodynamics Modeller Contact Email
Staff member Darren Parsons Job Title Principal Scientist - Marine Ecology Contact Email
Staff member Drew Lohrer Job Title Strategy Manager - Coasts & Estuaries Contact Email
Staff member Emily Lane Job Title Principal Scientist - Natural Hazards and Hydrodynamics Contact Email
Staff member Jaret Bilewitch Job Title Molecular Biologist Contact Email
Staff member Joshu Mountjoy Job Title Strategy Manager - Oceans Contact Email
Staff member Kareen Schnabel Job Title Marine Biologist Contact Email
Staff member Keith Michael Job Title Fisheries Scientist Contact Email
Staff member Kevin Mackay Job Title Marine Geologist, Marine Data Manager Contact Email
Staff member Leigh Tait Job Title Marine Ecologist Contact Email
Staff member Matt Bennion Job Title Coastal Marine Ecologist Contact Email
Staff member Orlando Lam-Gordillo Job Title Coastal Marine Ecologist Contact Email
Staff member Owen Anderson Job Title Fisheries Scientist Contact Email
Staff member Philip Sutton Job Title Physical Oceanographer Contact Email
Staff member Rachael Peart Job Title Marine Invertebrate Systematist Contact Email
Staff member Rachel Hale Job Title Marine Ecologist Contact Email
Staff member Richard Measures Job Title Hydrodynamics Scientist Contact Email
Staff member Sean Handley Job Title Marine Biologist Contact Email
Staff member Shaun Williams Job Title Natural Hazards Scientist Contact Email
Staff member Vonda Cummings Job Title Principal Scientist - Marine Ecology Contact Email
Staff member Zhonghou Xu Job Title Coastal Modeller Contact Email