Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Publicly available data and publications

    NIWA makes available and regularly updates results from several greenhouse gas measurement projects.
  • Climate and weather

    Information about climate and weather and links to climate-related websites.
  • Products

    Here is our complete range of products.
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    Tuna - age and methods of ageing

    Knowing the age (i.e. proportion of young vs. old) of eels in an eel population provides an understanding of how fast they grow and may give an indication of the pressures faced by tuna in a particular environment or habitat.
  • Assessment of crop and tree species growing potential using climate, soil and topographic information

    Research Project
    This project demonstrates how to assess high value alternative land-use options by means of a quantitative analysis of the growing potential of selected niche crops and tree species.
  • What is Ocean acidification?

    NIWA oceanographer Dr Cliff Law explains the impacts of ocean acidification on organisms that use carbonates to build their shells, and on bacteria.
  • Chemical contamination and wood processing

    What are the sources of chemical contamination from wood processing?
  • Coming from overseas?

    If you're moving to join us here at NIWA, we want to say thanks for choosing us by helping you with your big move.
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    Sediment and forestry

    How may forestry activities increase sediments in waterways?
  • Mining

    Mining is the extraction of metal and mineral resources, such as gold, coal, petroleum, and ironsand
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    Impacts of mining

    Impacts of mining on water quality and mahinga kai.