This measures and records the Electrical Conductivity (EC) and temperature of water.

Key Features
- Excellent linearity
- Long term stability
- Wide operating range
- Designed for permanent installation
- Temperature corrected
- Integrated data logger
- Compatible with Starlog
- SDI 12 support
- Cost effective
- Ground water studies
- Water utilities and suppliers
- Reservoir studies
- Salinity studies (weirs, dams, lakes, rivers)
The temperature is measured within the sensing cell to provide precision correction. Both temperature corrected and uncorrected conductivity measurements are available for recording.
The new model 6536D has undergone a surface mount upgrade and now has 512kB of memory.
A Starlog compatible Micrologger is part of the instrument, providing all the standard features such as SDI-12, intelligent battery supervision, modem interface and all the programmability found in Starlog Data Loggers.
Ultra low power consumption makes the 6536D ideal for remote, unattended operation. This instrument will operate for months from a single model 6910A or 12V battery.
EC Operating Ranges: 0 to 200,000uS/cm in three autoranged stages.
Range Scale (uS/cm) Res (uS/cm) Accuracy
Low 0 – 2,000 0.1 ±1%
Mid 0 – 20,000 1.0 ±0.5%
High 0 – 200,000 10 ±0.5%
Temperature Range -20°C to 60°C
Temperature Accuracy ± 0.1°C
Temperature Resolution 0.0612°C
EC Temperature
Compensation Range 0 to 60°C
Conductivity 0 – 200,000 (uncompensated)
Conductivity 0 – 200,000 (temperature compensated)
Conductivity 0 – 65,535 (uncompensated) Low resolution (for SDI-12)
Conductivity 0 – 65,535 (temperature compensated)
Low resolution (for SDI-12)
Water temperature, battery voltage
Scan Rate 5 seconds to 5 minutes (programmable)
Log Interval 5 seconds to one week (programmable)
For More Information
Contact NIWA Instrument Systems in Christchurch.
Tel: +64 3 343 7890, fax: +64 3 343 7891