
We provide public information on river, lake, and groundwater conditions across New Zealand including freshwater quantity and quality.

  • Chemical contamination and agriculture

    What are the potential sources of chemical contamination from agricultural activities?
  • Development of sustainable water supply and treatment systems for a coastal Fijian village

    Research Project
    This collaborative NZaid project worked with coastal Fijian villagers at Votua on the Coral Coast of Viti Levu to develop pragmatic water supply and waste treatment solutions to protect public health and reduce contamination of coastal waters.
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    Tau kōura sample collection and processing protocol

    Tau kōura is a traditional Māori fishing method commonly used to harvest kōura or freshwater crayfish in areas where they are abundant.
  • Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA)

    To prepare for changes in climate, our freshwater and oceans decision-makers need information on species vulnerability to climate change.
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    River Environment Classification REC2

    The River Environment Classification (REC) is a database of catchment spatial attributes, summarised for every segment in New Zealand's network of rivers.
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    Wastewater treatment activities

    Rural, urban, and suburban wastewater treatment methods.
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    Sediment and mining

    How can mining activities influence sediments in waterways?
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    Diverting water changes a waterways natural flow
  • Understanding and predicting floods and their impacts

    Feature story
    Floods are not unusual in New Zealand, but those that hit us early this winter broke records. Why did they occur? Should we expect more? Can we predict future floods?
  • Mining

    Mining is the extraction of metal and mineral resources, such as gold, coal, petroleum, and ironsand
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    Piharau/kanakana are an important mahinga kai species and a prized delicacy for many Māori.
  • Impacts of hydro

    Impacts of hydro-electric activities on water quality and mahinga kai.