Temperature Mar-Apr-May

Temperature tercile tables for several locations in the North of the South Island. Data are based on the 30-year period 1971-2000. The ranges for each tercile are: below normal = second lowest to 33rd percentile; near normal = 34th to 66th percentile; above normal = 67th percentile to second highest.

Historical average temperature (deg C) range for forecast area NSI for the 3-month period Mar-Apr-May

Station Name No. years Below Normal Near Normal Above Normal
MOTUEKA, RIWAKA EWS 29 11.3 - 12.7 12.8 - 13.0 13.1 - 13.8
NELSON AERO 27 11.7 - 12.8 12.9 - 13.3 13.4 - 14.3
APPLEBY 2 EWS 30 11.7 - 12.9 13.0 - 13.4 13.5 - 14.2
BLENHEIM RESEARCH EWS 30 12.1 - 12.8 12.9 - 13.5 13.6 - 14.3
BLENHEIM AERO AWS 30 12.1 - 12.9 13.0 - 13.5 13.6 - 14.5
GRASSMERE SALT WORKS 25 12.2 - 13.6 13.7 - 13.9 14.0 - 15.4
CAPE CAMPBELL AWS 28 12.2 - 13.5 13.6 - 14.0 14.1 - 15.4
WESTPORT AERO AWS 25 12.3 - 13.1 13.2 - 13.6 13.7 - 14.3
LAKE ROTOITI 30 8.2 - 9.3 9.4 - 9.8 9.9 - 10.5