Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Using sound to see what's happening geologically

    Marine geologist - Dr Joshu Mountjoy - is mapping the seafloor landscape around Whakaari/White Island to understand how much sediment was dislodged in the eruption and where it has gone.
  • What's in a bubble?

    Marine Geophysicist Sally Watson, maps the seafloor and takes samples from the water column so we can understand geological processes shaping the volcanic underwater realm around Whakaari/White Island.
  • A special day on RV Tangaroa

    It's a special day on RV Tangaroa today - celebrating the Whakatāne High School ball with student Cameron Phillips, one of two Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa taiohi on board.
  • Evan Solly - the last voyage

    For one last time, Evan Solly starts the engines of NIWA’s research vessel Tangaroa and guides her out of Wellington.
  • Lesson 8: Climate and weather extremes

    Education Resource
    New Zealand’s climate can be defined as ‘temperate’. However, every so often we experience extremes.
  • Concepts in sustainable aquaculture - IMTA

    Media release
    New ways to address environmental sustainability challenges.
  • (no image provided)

    Freshwater species - publications

    These are some recent publications related to the freshwater species ecology and management programme.
  • Freshwater species ecology and management

    NIWA is helping to ensure that New Zealand’s unique and iconic freshwater species are healthy, abundant and thriving.
  • NIWA crew face record time at sea

    Media release
    Coronavirus border restrictions mean six NIWA staff face four straight months at sea in a bid to keep an international ocean research project afloat.
  • RV Tangaroa multibeam

    2020 - Bay of Plenty acoustics

    During the TAN2007 voyage NIWA scientists headed to the waters around Whakaari/White Island in the Bay of Plenty to survey changes to the seafloor since the volcanic eruption in December 2019.
  • Lesson 4: Severe weather

    Education Resource
    Once in a while the weather becomes much more dangerous – what meteorologists call severe weather.
  • NIWA mapping seafloor around Whakaari/White Island

    Media release
    NIWA scientists are heading to the waters around Whakaari/White Island in the Bay of Plenty next week to survey changes to the seafloor.