Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Auckland’s drought most extreme in modern times

    Media release
    This is one of the most extreme drought events for Auckland in modern times and similar to one experienced in 1993/94.
  • Vessel induction information

    RV Tangaroa induction videos for voyage participants and contractors.
  • Benthic fauna on the Campbell Plateau

    2020 - Campbell Plateau biodiversity

    A team of scientists and crew headed to the Campbell Plateau south of New Zealand onboard R.V. Tangaroa to conduct a deep-sea camera survey of the seabed to better understand the biodiversity of seabed habitats in commercial fishing areas.
  • May 19, 2020 - The Voyage Leader

    Introducing voyage leader Owen Anderson
  • Seven weeks of clearing the air provides huge benefits

    Media release
    Seven weeks of lockdown has provided evidence of how pollution can vanish overnight with benefits for the environment and individuals, says NIWA air quality scientist Dr Ian Longley.
  • Tangaroa heads back to sea – with social distancing

    Media release
    NIWA’s flagship research vessel Tangaroa will sail out of Wellington Harbour on Sunday for the first scientific voyage since the lockdown.
  • Hotspot Watch 7 May 2020

    Please note that this will be the final Hotspot Watch update for this season. Weekly Hotspot Watches will return in the spring.
  • Scientists seek smoke sniffers

    Media release
    NIWA scientists are seeking help to sniff out smoke in a bid to help improve air quality in New Zealand.
  • Citizen science – New Zealand rainfall monitoring network

    For more than a century, a network of volunteers across New Zealand have been measuring the climate and weather and sending their observations each month to be entered into the New Zealand climate database.
  • (no image provided)

    Drought hits hard, far and wide

    Media release
    Analysis of drought conditions across New Zealand this year shows it is one of the most severe on record for some regions.
  • Hotspot Watch 1 May 2020

    Minor to moderate soil moisture decreases across the entire North Island with severe meteorological drought in parts of northern Auckland, Coromandel and southern coast of Hawke's Bay. Drier than normal conditions are still present in the top of the South Island but significant rainfall in the west.
  • Pollution levels soar in Level 3, says NIWA

    Media release
    Traffic pollution measurements in Auckland since Level 4 restrictions were eased on Tuesday have shown levels soaring even higher than those before lockdown, NIWA air quality scientists say.