Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • SHMAK habitat - rubbish

    The SHMAK method for rubbish involves collecting and identifying all the rubbish (litter) in the stream and on the stream banks.
  • SHMAK habitat – visual habitat assessment

    The SHMAK visual habitat assessment gives your stream a score that you can use to assess changes over time or compare streams.
  • SHMAK habitat – streambed composition

    Two methods for describing streambed composition: the visual assessment method is quicker while the Wolman walk is more accurate.
  • SHMAK stream life – how to sort and identify your benthic macroinvertebrate sample

    Use an ice-cream tray to isolate and separate your invertebrates. The Benthic Macroinvertebrate Field Guide helps you with identification.
  • SHMAK stream life – how to get your benthic macroinvertebrate sample ready for sorting

    Before you look at what animals you have collected, follow these methods to clear away debris (stones, sand, leaves, twigs) from your sample in the net.
  • SHMAK stream life – collecting benthic macroinvertebrates in muddy-bottom streams

    If your stream has a muddy-bottom or soft-bottom (made of silt or mud), you need to use a different method than if your stream has a stony-bottom.
  • SHMAK stream life – collecting benthic macroinvertebrates using the Kick-Net Method

    Use a net & the kick-net method to collect a greater range of benthic macroinvertebrates and more accurately assess the diversity of the community.
  • SHMAK stream life – collecting benthic macroinvertebrates using the Stone Method

    If you don’t have a net, you can collect stones from the streambed and collect the invertebrates that are clinging to the stones.
  • SHMAK stream life – macrophytes

    Macrophytes are large aquatic plants. How to assess macrophyte cover with just a measuring tape and a willingness to get wet.
  • SHMAK stream life – periphyton

    How you can assess the types and amount of periphyton: communities of algae and cyanobacteria attached to the sediment surface or plants.
  • SHMAK water quality – phosphate

    Phosphate is measured in SHMAK using the Hanna Instruments Phosphate Checker. Where to order phosphate checkers and reagents.
  • SHMAK water quality – nitrate

    The nitrate test included in SHMAK is a colorimetric test. Where to order additional Aquaspex Microtest® Nitrate-N kits.