Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • SHMAK water quality – temperature and conductivity

    Temperature and conductivity are two easy measurements you can take in your stream. Here's how to use a temperature logger.
  • How to collect a water sample

    Some SHMAK tests require you to collect a water sample. If you are sending your water sample to a lab for analysis, here's a list of some water quality labs.
  • What is included in SHMAK

    SHMAK is available as a starter kit, a standard kit and SHMAK+. Here we explain what is included in the kit and what extras you need to purchase on your own.
  • Setting up your site

    The various assessments in SHMAK are done over different lengths (reaches) of stream. Mark out the longest reach first, then shorter reaches.
  • Stream site assessment

    SHMAK Stream Site Assessment - How to record some basic information about your stream site so you can interpret your results.
  • (no image provided)

    SHMAK Manual

    Download the entire manual or just the chapters you need. A printed version is also available.
  • Science on the high seas

    Sustainability of Hoki fisheries in the Cook Strait
  • Science of the high seas

    Feature story
    Ever wondered what fish is served in a Filet-o-Fish at MacDonald’s? It’s hoki. Fish fingers at the supermarket? Chances are, they’ll be hoki too.
  • Gone fishin'

    Feature story
    If you want a healthy fishing industry, you need to know how healthy your fish stocks are. Sam Fraser-Baxter talks to a scientist who went to sea to find out.
  • Scientists recreate the week it snowed everywhere

    Feature story
    NIWA has teamed up with Microsoft for a new project using artificial intelligence to combine historic weather records with breakthrough handwriting recognition tools.
  • The man of many pathways

    Feature story
    Dr Rob Bell worked out a long time ago that sea-level rise is much more than a scientific problem. No wonder then that people say his ability to listen is one of his best traits.
  • The Hill

    Feature story
    Castle Hill, on State Highway 73 between Darfield and Arthur’s Pass in the Waimakariri Basin, was named for the imposing array of limestone boulders in the area that mirror the look of castle ruins.