Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Rob Christie - Manager of Marine Resources

    Eurofleets+ aims at providing, integrating and improving access to key research vessels and associated major equipment.
  • NIWA science: important international collaborations

    This campaign brings together two Eurofleets+ Infrastructures, the RV Tangaroa and the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) from Sweden’s University of Gothenburg (UGOT).
  • How to be hands-off in a hands-on job

    Feature story
    NIWA environmental monitoring technician Mike O’Driscoll has just installed two water level stations in Samoa and is starting on a third—all from the comfort of his Greymouth office.
  • Customised long-range climate outlooks

    NIWA's customised long-range climate forecasts can help your business succeed.
  • Data visualisation expertise and audiovisual studio

    Our expertise in data visualisation and state-of-the-art recording studio help us communicate forecast information in innovative and engaging ways.
  • New tsunami monitoring system for Pacific

    Feature story
    A network of state-of-the-art tsunami buoys is being deployed from New Zealand up into the Pacific to keep communities safer.
  • NIWA’s Estuarine Trophic Index

    Research Project
    Constructed wetlands, detention bunds, woodchip denitrification filters and planted riparian buffers are examples of a growing suite of edge-of-field and farm-scale mitigation systems that are being trialled across rural New Zealand to reduce the impact of diffuse pollution on freshwater quality
  • Weather and climate forecasting data services

    We can deliver forecasts using API, GIS and web interfaces, all underpinned by our data analytics expertise.
  • Our Future Climate New Zealand

    Our Future Climate New Zealand is an interactive website that lets you to look at projections for a number of climate variables for New Zealand between now and 2100.
  • Ways you can access our meteorologists

    Specialist services to ensure that one of our experts is available to you anytime, and that we completely understand your requirements to develop bespoke products and services.
  • NIWA Forecast: dedicated forecasting software

    NIWA Forecast is NIWA’s dedicated environmental forecasting and information software.
  • Freshwater species show vulnerability to climate change

    Media release
    A new study has identified seven freshwater species native to Aotearoa-New Zealand that will likely be highly or very highly vulnerable to climate change.