Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Rangi: weather and climate glossary

    Education Resource
    Were there any terms you didn't know in any of these lessons? We explain some of them here - alphabetically from anemometer to wind speed.
  • 2020 - Seamount Communities

    Seamounts, knolls, and hills are prominent features of underwater topography in the New Zealand region and are often sites of high biodiversity and productivity.
  • Lesson 13: Glaciers

    Education Resource
    Glaciers are beautiful to see and are a majestic, pristine part of our natural landscape. But what exactly is a glacier, and how do they work?
  • Researchers on hunt for fish nurseries

    Media release
    NIWA researchers are heading out from Tasman early next week to survey an area thought to be home to important juvenile fish nurseries.
  • Squat lobster memoir hot off the press

    Media release
    After a decade-long effort, NIWA’s latest Biodiversity Memoir has just rolled off the presses. Written by marine biologist Kareen Schnabel, the 350-page treatise presents everything we currently know about the different kinds of squat lobster living in New Zealand’s waters.
  • Aquaculture Publications

    Research Project
    A summary of the main scientific publications, conference presentations and popular science publications.
  • Students do the science on COVID protection

    Media release
    As the world battles a deadly pandemic, New Zealand school students have been beavering away at science fair projects researching the effectiveness of our own COVID-19 protection measures.
  • Lesson 5: Introduction to climate

    Education Resource
    Weather tells you what to wear each day, while climate tells you what types of clothes to have in your closet.
  • Lesson 14: Becoming a climate solver

    Education Resource
    Understanding what is important to everyone helps us make choices about how to adapt to our changing climate in ways that suit the needs of our communities.
  • Lesson 12: Computing the climate

    Education Resource
    We can explore how the world may change due to climate change by creating climate models.
  • Eutrophication Risk Assessment

    Research Project
    Eutrophication occurs when nutrients in streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries cause excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae (primary producers).
  • Nameless nodes get new look from NIWA

    Media release
    At the bottom of the Southern Ocean, near Cape Adare in East Antarctica, lies an undersea ridge which until this month was only known by its co-ordinates: -71.2132 latitude, 172.1649 longitude.