Water Level Instruments
There are different types of instrument available for measuring water level. -
Real-time UV Index displays
NIWA has developed a real time UV display in consultation with the Cancer Society and Sunsmart. -
Determining the age of fish
Research ProjectNIWA expends considerable effort on determining the age of commercial fish species. But why age a fish? And how do we do it? -
Sediment and mining
How can mining activities influence sediments in waterways? -
Sea level observations (near real-time)
ServiceThis system combines daily sea-level data from NIWA, regional councils, port companies, Antarctica NZ, Bureau of Meteorology and territorial authorities. -
Publication seriesSeasonal climate summaries from summer 2001 to the present. -
Freshwater fish species list
A list all of New Zealand's freshwater fish species. -
Piharau/kanakana are an important mahinga kai species and a prized delicacy for many Māori. -
Hotspot Watch Updates
This weekly update helps assess likelihood of extremely dry weather preceding a drought. Regions experiencing severely to extremely drier than normal soil conditions are deemed “hotspots” -
Mean daily minimum temperatures (°C)
These datasets are available in a range of formats.