Map Chatham
Chatham Islands
Extremes of temperature are rare as the Chatham Islands are small land masses surrounded by sea. Rainfall is reliable and moderate with a winter maximum. The Chatham Islands are typified by windy and cloudy conditions, marked by rapid changes.
Average Rainfall and Temperature
Chatham Islands
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Marine geological hazards
Education ResourceNew Zealand faces a variety of hazards associated with undersea geological activity. -
NIWA Instrument Systems
Instrument Systems is a specialised technology-focused consulting group within NIWA. -
Regional modelling of New Zealand climate
Research ProjectDeveloping probabilistic scenarios of expected future regional climate changes. -
Rig shark
Research ProjectRig shark is an important inshore commercial fish species in New Zealand, and we need to understand more about their habitats, movements, nursery grounds and vulnerability to human impacts to ensure they are managed sustainably and their productivity is enhanced. -
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA)
ServiceTo prepare for changes in climate, our freshwater and oceans decision-makers need information on species vulnerability to climate change. -
What are greenhouse gases?
Greenhouse gases are atmospheric gases that intercept long-wave (mainly infrared) radiation emitted from the Earth's surface. -
Environmental Information Services
ServiceNIWA collects and manages significant amounts of New Zealand's environmental data, particularly in the climate, freshwater, marine and atmosphere domains. -
Climate change scenarios for New Zealand
Research ProjectProjections of how climate change is likely to affect New Zealand. -
What is the proposed activity or industry?
Various industries and land use activities have the potential to impact on water quality and mahinga kai unless properly managed.