Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Aquaculture Activities

    Shellfish gathering and farming take place in marine and freshwater environments.
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    Resource Management Act

    The Resource Management Act (RMA) is legislation, administered by Regional Councils, which focuses on the sustainable management of New Zealand’s natural and physical resources.
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    Smart Rain Intensity Gauge - NIWA SRIG

  • Wairarapa drought


    Education Resource
    Defining drought and identifying its causes and impacts on humans.
  • New Zealand Palaeotsunami Database

    Software Tool/Resource
    The New Zealand Palaeotsunami Database (Database) brings together all known information about tsunamis that occurred prior to written records.
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    Cam-Era for You

    Water Levels: Our Cam-Era installation on the Ashburton River overlooks a hapua or coastal lagoon. We know the exact location of several posts in the front of the image, and we can use these and the position of the camera to back-calculate the water level.
    What Cam-Era can do for you
    Every day we come up with new things that Cam-Era can monitor.
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    Tuna - tuna heke (downstream migrants)

    Every year, a proportion of eels mature and migrate to sea to spawn. Once eels become migrants (also known as tuna heke or tuna whakaheke) they stop feeding, and progressively develop the external features that clearly distinguish them from 'feeders'.
  • NZ temperature record

    Research Project
    There are many lines of evidence showing that NZ has warmed during the past century.
  • Instream barriers and altered water flow

    Instream barriers and diversions alter the natural flow of rivers, streams, and lakes.
  • Marlborough

    The main characteristic of the Marlborough climate is its dryness. Summer droughts are frequent, and the region is often swept by warm, dry northwesterlies.
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    Flooding - how does it happen?

    Education Resource
    Understanding what happens above and below ground during a flooding event, and how it is different from normal rainfall conditions