Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI)
The Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) is a simple measure of drought (and also of very wet conditions) and is based solely on the accumulated precipitation for a given time period. -
Estimated bycatch
View data that show reported target catch and estimated bycatch. -
RV Ikatere
FacilityA versatile inshore vessel, RV Ikatere is equipped with high-precision multibeam and sub-bottom profiler transducers for surveying and mapping the seabed. -
Sea-level rise
Education ResourceOne of the major consequences of climate change is rising global sea levels. -
Stormwater - an introduction
Stormwater is a major concern for New Zealand because of its potential effects on the ecological health of our urban streams and coastal waters, as well as on the economic, social and cultural value of these environments. -
Publication seriesSeasonal climate summaries from summer 2001 to the present. -
HIRDSv4 Usage
NIWA's High Intensity Rainfall Design System (HIRDS) offers planners and engineers more certainty about the frequency of high-intensity rainfall events, enabling them to better design stormwater drainage, flood defence systems and other vital structures. -
Shortjaw kōkopu
Has a receding lower jaw and black spots behind the head. -
Virtual Climate Station data and products
Virtual climate station estimates are produced every day, based on the spatial interpolation of actual data observations made at climate stations located around the country.