Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Analysis of water quality trends

    NIWA has developed a powerful software tool for the analysis of water quality data.
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    Summer Series 10: Super snapper! Delicious!

    News article
  • Bay of Plenty

    The topography of the North Island has a profound effect on the weather of the Bay of Plenty region.
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  • Hydro

    Hydro-electricity is a renewable energy source that relies on the inflow of water into storage lakes upstream of a dam.
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    Grey mullet have a worldwide distribution and Aotearoa is at the southern limit of their range.
  • Aquaculture Species

    A handful of species we work on
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    Graphing with Microsoft Excel

    How do I create a graph?
    Using Microsoft® Excel is easy because the Chart Wizard does all the work for you!
    Simply enter the data for your data table.
    Highlight the cells you want to graph.
    Click on the Chart Wizard icon on the Tool Bar.
    Select the chart type you want to use and click Next.
    Click Next to confirm the range of cells.
    Give your graph a title, label x- and y-axis and click Next.
    Click on the gridlines tab to remove or add gridlines.
    Click Finish and graph is complete!
    Help, my graph is too small!
    When the chart wizard creates your graph it will probably be too smal
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    Hotspot Watch Updates

    This weekly update helps assess likelihood of extremely dry weather preceding a drought. Regions experiencing severely to extremely drier than normal soil conditions are deemed “hotspots”
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    New Zealand rushes (Juncus): factsheets and key

    New Zealand rushes (Juncus): species-level factsheets.
  • Algal monitoring service

    Blooms of hazardous cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in rivers, lakes and reservoirs can cause problems for both animal and human health. How can you find out whether an algal bloom is potentially toxic?