
We provide public information on river, lake, and groundwater conditions across New Zealand including freshwater quantity and quality.

  • Taonga Species Series: Tuangi

    Feature story
    What does science tell us about New Zealand cockles?
  • Technology provides views of life in remote habitats

    Media release
    Aotearoa-New Zealand’s marine area covers 167,650 square kilometres presenting a staggering distribution of climates, from subtropical to subantarctic waters, to understand and manage.
  • Understanding the threat of sea level rise to NZ’s wetlands

    Media release
    Specialised monitoring equipment has been installed in Bay of Plenty estuaries to understand whether our coastal wetlands can survive the threat of inevitable sea-level rise.
  • Riparian Buffer Design Guide

    This guide discusses design principles and provides high-level information about the likely performance of riparian buffers.
  • Impact of new energy efficient streetlights on insects revealed

    Media release
    New energy efficient streetlights are playing a major role in influencing insect behaviour, says NIWA.
  • Satellites reveal NZ’s coastal health

    Media release
    For the first time, satellites have been used to track coastal water health around Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Investigating ecological impacts on freshwater insects from LED streetlight conversions

    Research Project
    Many New Zealand cities and towns have switched over to modern LED street lighting. The move will save on operational costs, but little is known what impact artificial streetlights have on flying freshwater insects which are integral to our waterway ecosystems. NIWA investigated the likely impact as part of a four-year MBIE-funded Smart Idea project.
  • IrriSET - Irrigation Strategy Evaluation Tool

    IrriSET helps farmers to understand the economic viability and environmental efficiency of various irrigation strategies and prioritise their irrigation investments.
  • Effective mitigation systems to manage contaminant losses

    Research Project
    Nutrients, sediment, and microbial contaminants are mobilized from urban and agricultural landscapes and enter streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries. These contaminants can degrade water quality, ecological health, and cultural values.
  • Native freshwater and saltwater plant cultivation booklets

    These booklets help provide guidance on the cultivation and restoration of native submerged macrophytes for environmental rehabilitation initiatives in freshwater and saltwater environments.
  • In the snow: new tool to advise New Zealanders of snow conditions

    Media release
    A new tool giving near real-time snow data has been made available to the public for the first time.
  • Demand grows for NIWA’s Riparian Management Training

    Media release
    NIWA has updated and restarted a course using a riparian planning tool developed by one of its former chief scientists more than 20 years ago.