
We provide public information on river, lake, and groundwater conditions across New Zealand including freshwater quantity and quality.

  • Dissolved oxygen

    Dissolved oxygen (DO) is a relative measure of the amount of oxygen (O2) dissolved in water.
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    Water take

    Water take (also known as water abstraction) has a range of valuable public and private uses.
  • Development of sustainable water supply and treatment systems for a coastal Fijian village

    Research Project
    This collaborative NZaid project worked with coastal Fijian villagers at Votua on the Coral Coast of Viti Levu to develop pragmatic water supply and waste treatment solutions to protect public health and reduce contamination of coastal waters.
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    Urbanisation activities

    Urbanisation has changed the face of many waterways that flow through urban areas
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    Sediment and agriculture

    How may agricultural activities increase sediments in waterways?
  • New Zealand fish passage guidelines

    Research Project
    The New Zealand Fish Passage Guidelines sets out recommended practice for the design of instream infrastructure to provide for fish passage.
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    Tuna - diet

    Longfin eels are the largest and longest-lived fish in New Zealand's freshwaters, and where they are present they are the top predator.
  • Freshwater fish species list

    A list all of New Zealand's freshwater fish species.
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    Proud of your plants? 1 June 2017

    News article
    NIWA is doing a nationwide study to discover what makes the best riparian projects. Help us give you the knowledge to make the best riparian management decisions possible by taking our 5 minute survey.
  • Mangroves: to clear or not to clear?

    Media release
    NIWA scientists have written a guide for managing mangroves, prompted by a desire for people to learn more about mangrove ecosystems, and what happens when they are removed.
  • NIWA Technical Background report for MfE “Clean Water” Swimmability Proposals for Rivers

    News article
    NIWA provides technical background information on "Clean Water" swimmability proposals.
  • Paradise for eels? Getting to know the secrets of NZ's new icon

    Feature story
    As New Zealand's "Mr Eel", Niwa's Dr Don Jellyman has heard every tall tale. And some of them may be true.