
Balancing the sustainability of our fisheries stocks and the impacts of fishing on the environment with the economic opportunities

Open wide: Snapper teeth secrets
NIWA and University of Auckland masters student Georgia Third is getting up close and personal with snapper guts and teeth to understand the differences between biologically distinct snapper populations in New Zealand.

  • Public help sought for fish research

    Media release
    NIWA scientists are asking for help from people who have had a long association with East Northland, Hauraki Gulf or Marlborough Sounds.
  • Changes in juvenile fish habitats

    Research Project
    NIWA is looking for people who have had a long association with the Hauraki Gulf or Marlborough Sounds to help them with a research project on juvenile fish habitats.
  • Caught on camera

  • From shallows: moving from the familiar shores of Raoul Island to lesser known higher latitude Islands

    Over the last few days the “dive team” have been recording corals, fishes, urchins and other invertebrates from the shallow waters (0-30m) surrounding Raoul Island to complement the biodiversity records from the deeper ocean collected by the other scientists onboard.
  • Mesopelagic trawl - off Kermadec Islands Oct 2016

    Using a very wide net to complete a 960m deep mesopelagic trawl near the Kermadec Islands has brought up a large number and diverse range of deep water species.
  • The pearl of New Zealand fishing

    Feature story
    The Quota Management System, which some say saved New Zealand fisheries, is 30 years old today. The system is founded on science that studies fish biology, abundance and distribution, and estimates how many can be caught and still keep the population healthy.
  • (no image provided)

    First winter fisheries survey finds toothfish spawning in the Ross Sea

    News article
    At the edge of the advancing winter sea ice in the Ross Sea, a first-ever winter fisheries survey has uncovered new secrets of the Antarctic toothfish.
  • Availability of toothfish to predators – sea ice-based survey

    Sea ice-based toothfish surveys have been carried out in McMurdo Sound since 2014.
  • Antarctic fisheries research publications

    A bibliography of some of the journal papers and CCAMLR Working Group papers published about the toothfish fishery.
  • Spatial management of the Ross Sea

    The fishery is managed differently depending on the region and specific environmental protection and fishery management objectives in the region.
  • Ecosystem effects of fishing

    Find out about the role of toothfish in the ecosystem and the potential effects of fishing.