
Balancing the sustainability of our fisheries stocks and the impacts of fishing on the environment with the economic opportunities

Open wide: Snapper teeth secrets
NIWA and University of Auckland masters student Georgia Third is getting up close and personal with snapper guts and teeth to understand the differences between biologically distinct snapper populations in New Zealand.

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    Devilrays – divers of the deep

    News article
    A successful electronic tagging project means scientists have made some important discoveries about spinetail devilrays.
  • NIWA makes a date with freshwater fish

    Media release
    NIWA researchers have produced a series of calendars to inform people when New Zealand's native freshwater and sport fish are migrating and spawning.
  • Freshwater fish calendars

    NIWA's publication "Freshwater Fish Spawning and Migration Periods" is designed to help people working near freshwater to minimise effects of their work on freshwater fish species.
  • NIWA calls on citizen scientists for grey mullet survey

    News article
    New Zealand’s leading freshwater and estuarine research body is harnessing the national curiosity about ecology to find out more about grey mullet.
  • Taking the pulse of Antarctica’s ocean ecosystem

    Niwa scientists have anchored an echosounder to the sea floor of Terra Nova Bay that could reveal the mystery of silverfish reproduction under the Antarctic ice.
  • Taking the pulse of Antarctica’s ocean ecosystem

    Media release
    NIWA scientists have anchored an echosounder to the sea floor of Terra Nova Bay that could reveal the mystery of silverfish reproduction under the Antarctic ice.
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    Voyage leader's final update

    Now back on dry land, Voyage Leader Richard O'Driscoll reflects on the final days of RV Tangaroa's 2015 Antarctica expedition.
  • Oysters ahead: Bluff season begins

    Media release
    Each March, oyster lovers descend on the catch of Bluff’s best bivalves – a seasonal delicacy from one of the last remaining wild oyster fisheries on the planet.
  • Studying Antarctic silverfish spawning in Terra Nova Bay

    This research will investigate whether Antarctic silverfish eggs are spawned elsewhere or whether there is a mass migration of silverfish to their coastal spawning sites each winter.
  • Trawl surveying demersal fish species on the Ross Sea slope

    Commercial toothfish fishing in the Ross Sea has the potential to affect some demersal (bottom-dwelling) fish species in the region through by-catch and ecosystem changes.
  • Understanding the factors that influence mercury levels in lake trout in geothermal regions

    News article
    A NIWA study has shown that environmental factors influence the level of mercury in fish and other organisms in lakes in New Zealand's North Island geothermal area
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    Using MICE to understand fish

    Media release
    More than 50 scientists from across the globe are meeting in Wellington this week to discuss how newly developed technology can best help countries manage their marine fisheries.