
Balancing the sustainability of our fisheries stocks and the impacts of fishing on the environment with the economic opportunities

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    Tuna - freshwater eels in New Zealand

    Tuna is a generic Māori word for freshwater eels. The word will be used interchangeably in this resource.
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    Tuna - age and methods of ageing

    Currently, the most reliable method to estimate the age of tuna is by examination of their otoliths or "ear bones"
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    Population modelling software

    Casal2 is an advanced software package developed by NIWA for modelling the population dynamics of marine species.
  • Rig shark

    Research Project
    Rig shark is an important inshore commercial fish species in New Zealand, and we need to understand more about their habitats, movements, nursery grounds and vulnerability to human impacts to ensure they are managed sustainably and their productivity is enhanced.
  • Questions and answers about oyster disease Bonamia ostreae

    Media release
    NIWA is today issuing some scientific information on the parasite Bonamia ostreae, recently discovered in Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island, and the risk it poses to the Bluff oyster fishery.
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    Tuna - commercial fisheries

    Commercial eel fishery in New Zealand began in earnest in the 1960s and expanded rapidly until the early 1970s
  • Atlantis ecosystem model

    Atlantis is a 3D, spatially-explicit, trophodynamic ecosystem model that integrates biology, physics, chemistry and human impacts to provide a synoptic view of marine ecosystem function.
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    Environmental monitoring

    NIWA collects a vast range of environmental information about New Zealand’s environment from the sky to the seafloor.
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    Tuna - solutions: upstream passage for elvers at large barriers

    The need to provide upstream passage facilities for ensuring the long term sustainability of migratory freshwater fish populations is now well recognised.
  • Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA)

    To prepare for changes in climate, our freshwater and oceans decision-makers need information on species vulnerability to climate change.
  • Determining the age of fish

    Research Project
    NIWA expends considerable effort on determining the age of commercial fish species. But why age a fish? And how do we do it?
  • Taonga Species Series: Pātiki

    Feature story
    What does science tell us about New Zealand flounder?