
Balancing the sustainability of our fisheries stocks and the impacts of fishing on the environment with the economic opportunities

Open wide: Snapper teeth secrets
NIWA and University of Auckland masters student Georgia Third is getting up close and personal with snapper guts and teeth to understand the differences between biologically distinct snapper populations in New Zealand.

  • Resource trade-off models

    Resource trade-off models are spatial models that use biological, environmental and socio-economic data to optimise management (protected area designation) across potentially conflicting uses, or across different ecosystem services.
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    MICE model of predator-prey interactions in fisheries stock assessment

    MICE (Models of Intermediate Complexity) is a type of ecosystem model that is question-driven, and contains a limited number of components and ecological processes.
  • ROMS coupled physical-biologeochemical modelling

  • Ecosystem Modelling at NIWA

    At NIWA, we consider all components of the marine ecosystem important when trying to better understand the role of dynamic, ecosystem processes on the distribution and abundance of marine organisms in New Zealand’s marine environments.
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    Aquatic invertebrate traits database

    Approximately 500 Aquatic invertebrate taxa are described in this database, made available to assist with the identification of specimens.
  • Double trouble from oyster pathogens

    Feature story
    The spread of Bonamia ostreae from Marlborough Sounds to oyster farms in Big Glory Bay (Stewart Island) could spread to the valuable wild oyster population.
  • Revealing toothfish secrets

    Feature story
    The Ross Sea Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Southern Ocean will help further research into the ecology of Antarctic toothfish.
  • Scientist makes new homes for baby paua

    Media release
    Concrete structures key to restoring the paua population wiped out by earthquake.
  • Hapū joins forces with NIWA in tuna research

    Feature story
    Local hapū and NIWA are working together to find out more about juvenile freshwater eels or tuna in streams connecting to the Wairua River in the Wairoa catchment in Northland.
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    Tuna - freshwater eels in New Zealand

    Tuna is a generic Māori word for freshwater eels. The word will be used interchangeably in this resource.
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    New Zealand's Marine Realm

    News article
    NIWA has transformed 1.5 million square kilometres of data into the most accurate and detailed map yet of the land underneath the sea around New Zealand.
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    Tuna - age and methods of ageing

    Knowing the age (i.e. proportion of young vs. old) of eels in an eel population provides an understanding of how fast they grow and may give an indication of the pressures faced by tuna in a particular environment or habitat.