Our Services

NIWA’s science services are delivered by our dedicated National Centres. Each centre conducts a raft of research contributing to a high level outcome for New Zealand.

  • Fisheries

    Spatial Population Modelling

    The Spatial Population Model (SPM) can model populations over one or two areas, as well as populations in many hundreds of areas.
  • Aquaculture Reproduction

    One of NIWA's core areas of research and consultancy services are the broodstock development of aquaculture species and breeding strategy.
  • Specialist analytical services

    Find out more about our specialist analytical services.
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    Consultancy Services

    Consultancy services
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    Pacific Rim services

    We provide applied science and environmental consultancy services to support international development activities, with a particular focus on the Pacific and Asian regions.
  • Coasts services

    How can we help you?
  • RV Tangaroa in Wellington harbour, 2017

    Echosounder technology

    ESP3 is the main tool at NIWA for quantitative analysis of acoustic data.
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    Marine Environment Classification

    The Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes.
  • Freshwater aquatic plants

    The centre provides research, services and solutions spanning the spectrum of freshwater plant problems within New Zealand.
  • Other research instruments

    Scientists across NIWA use specialist tools manufactured across the world to perform their research and environmental consultancy.