Consultancy Services

Consultancy services

NIWA scientists and technicians apply their expertise, and research findings, to a wide range of consultancy work.

We work with hundreds of clients; from individuals and small businesses to multi-national companies and overseas governments.

If you want to speak with one of our experts in water and atmosphere, go to the National Centre webpage aligned with your interest. It will give you contact details as well as show you the science and services we offer in your field.

Our consultancy work and our scientific research go hand in hand. All of it is conducted through our National Centres. Many of our projects are commercial in confidence, but you can read profiles of some projects (published with client permission) on the webpages of our National Centres.

NIWA is an Envirolink provider. New Zealand regional councils which have identified a need for environmental management advice under the scheme should contact our Envirolink coordinator, Neale Hudson. 

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