ServiceThe NIWA library collection contains items in a range of formats, covering subjects including atmospheric and climate research, aquaculture, oceanography, fisheries and marine sciences. -
LakeSPI: Keeping tabs on lake health
Software Tool/ResourceFew New Zealand lakes retain their indigenous vegetation, and the condition of many lakes is under threat from land-use changes and the invasion of alien aquatic plants. -
New Zealand Palaeotsunami Database
Software Tool/ResourceThe New Zealand Palaeotsunami Database (Database) brings together all known information about tsunamis that occurred prior to written records. -
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA)
ServiceTo prepare for changes in climate, our freshwater and oceans decision-makers need information on species vulnerability to climate change. -
Algal monitoring service
ServiceBlooms of hazardous cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in rivers, lakes and reservoirs can cause problems for both animal and human health. How can you find out whether an algal bloom is potentially toxic? -
Ocean gliders
ServiceUsing a novel observational platform – ocean gliders—this research will observe and understand subsurface variations in temperature, salinity, oxygen and biological factors in water shallower than 200 metres – what we consider to be the shelf seas. -
Ngā Waihotanga Iho - The Estuary Monitoring Toolkit
Software Tool/ResourceThe main purpose of Ngā Waihotanga Iho is to provide tools for the public to measure environmental changes that occur in estuaries over time. These changes may occur due to natural processes and/or human activities. -
Aquaculture Environmental assessments
ServiceGrowing global demand for protein and high-value food products from the sea is creating a significant economic opportunity for environmentally responsible and sustainable aquaculture. -
Aquaculture Nutrition
ServiceNutrition underpins the performance of fish stocks in terms of health, growth (production) and reproduction. -
Fisheries and EcoConnect
ServiceEcoConnect provides the New Zealand fishing industry with a unique operational decision-making tool to help mitigate commercial, operational, and environmental risk.