BSc, MSc(Hons), Ph.D
Contact Details
Fleur is an Aquatic Biogeochemist with a MSc (Hons) in Biology and Environmental Planning from University of Waikato and a PhD in Physical Geography from Durham University, UK. She leads NIWAs Mitigation Systems research programme. Fleur joined NIWA in 2002. She has a diverse network of science and stakeholder relationships and she coordinated NIWA’s Envirolink research from 2014 to 2016. From 2010 to 2016 she led work to update the New Zealand instream plant and nutrient guidelines for Regional Councils. Her current research interests include developing guidance, models and tools to support the implementation of riparian buffers, constructed wetlands and other mitigation systems for freshwater management. She is a founding member of the Australasian Seagrass Restoration Network and serves on the Editorial Board for the international journals Nature-Based Solutions and Nutrient Cycling in Agro-ecosystems.
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