Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

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  • Manawatu-Wanganui

    The climate of the Manawatu-Wanganui region is a reflection of the generally disturbed westerly air flow with interspersed anticyclones, modified in specific places by the local topography.
  • Hydro

    Hydro-electricity is a renewable energy source that relies on the inflow of water into storage lakes upstream of a dam.
  • Al Brown - How to Cook Hapuku

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    Mean monthly rainfall (mm)

    These datasets are available in a range of formats.
  • Rig shark

    Research Project
    Rig shark is an important inshore commercial fish species in New Zealand, and we need to understand more about their habitats, movements, nursery grounds and vulnerability to human impacts to ensure they are managed sustainably and their productivity is enhanced.
  • Services

    How can we help you?
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    What are whitebait?

  • Sediment

    When soils erode, sediments are washed into waterways.
  • Tairua


    Tairua station
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    Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI)

    The Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) is a simple measure of drought (and also of very wet conditions) and is based solely on the accumulated precipitation for a given time period.
  • Generating synthetic wind data

    Research Project
    NIWA has recently created synthetic, multi-year, 10-minute wind datasets at 15 wind farm sites across New Zealand. These will be used by the Electricity Commission to model the impact of wind farms on the national grid.