NZ Freshwater Fish Database

The New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database (NZFFD) contains over 50,000 freshwater fish observations from across New Zealand from 1901 to the present.

Data stored in each record include the location of the sample site, sampling method and the fish species present, with many records also containing information on fish abundance and size, and a physical description of the site. Data from the River Environment Classification (REC) has also been linked to the NZFFD, adding further environmental information to each NZFFD record.

Access to NZFFD data is freely available.

Click the button below to go to the service

Service type: Data Download

If you can’t find the information you are looking for on this website, email your query to a NZFFD administrator:

  • NZ Freshwater Fish Database Help

    Learn how to use the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database (NZFFD)
  • NZFFD publications and catchment number directory

    Access commonly cited references for the NZFFD and the Catchments of New Zealand publication.
  • Guidelines for sampling freshwater fisheries

    We have prepared a breakdown of the different guidelines that are available for sampling freshwater fisheries. The overview provides links to key documents that explain what should be considered when designing fish monitoring studies and how to implement the various sampling techniques.
  • Identifying New Zealand freshwater fishes

    NIWA has a series of identification guides available to help you identify New Zealand fish species both in the field and in the laboratory. The quick-guides are great for use in the field and the formal keys provide a greater level of detail.
  • NIWA Atlas of NZ Freshwater Fishes

    To find out more about the New Zealand freshwater fishes, the Atlas of NZ Freshwater Fishes provides an overview of the freshwater fish found in New Zealand, fact sheets for each species and links to other resources.