Tarndale bully
Tarndale bully
Tarndale bully
Gobiomorphus alpinus (Stokell, 1962)
Although the Tarndale bully is hard to visually distinguish from the other bully species, its location is a dead giveaway. Found in only a few small sub-alpine tarns in the headwaters of the Clarence and Wairau Rivers, it lives in splendid isolation in this remote region of Marlborough. The bully’s name comes from its location - that part of Molesworth Station formerly known as Tarndale Station.
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- Alpine galaxias
- Freshwater Eels
- Atlantic salmon
- Australian longfin eel
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- Bignose galaxias
- Glossary
- Black flounder
- Black mudfish
- Bluegill bully
- Brook char
- Brown mudfish
- Brown trout
- Canterbury galaxias
- Canterbury mudfish
- Brown bullhead catfish
- Chatham mudfish
- Chinook salmon
- Common bully
- Common smelt
- Cran's bully
- Carps
- Dart goby
- Dusky galaxias
- Dwarf galaxias
- Dwarf inanga
- Eldon's galaxias
- Bullies
- Estuarine triplefin
- Flathead galaxias
- Galaxiidae
- Gambusia
- Giant bully
- Giant kokopu
- Goldfish
- Gollum galaxias
- Grass carp
- Grayling
- Grey mullet
- Inanga
- Koaro
- Koi/amur carp | common carp
- Lamprey
- Longfin eel
- Lowland longjaw galaxias
- Mackinaw
- Northland mudfish
- Orfe | golden orfe | ide
- Other Poeciliidae
- Perch | redfin perch
- Poeciliidae
- Rainbow trout
- Redfin bully
- Roundhead galaxias
- Rudd
- Salmonidae
- Shortfin eel
- Shortjaw kokopu
- Silver carp
- Sockeye salmon
- Stokell's smelt
- Tarndale bully
- Tench
- Torrentfish
- Upland bully
- Upland longjaw galaxias
- Yelloweye mullet