Weather hazards

NIWA plays a pivotal role in weather hazards research, providing critical information and tools for assessing, monitoring, and managing weather-related risks and impacts.

  • Flood focus

    Feature story
    Autumn and winter rain caused damaging floods and slips across New Zealand, yet again. Susan Pepperell investigates the nation's evolving skill in avoiding and coping with water.
  • A wave of hazard research

    Feature story
    It is well known that earthquakes can trigger tsunami but they can also be caused by landslides – with devastating effects.
  • On-call forecasting helps fight fires

    Feature story
    For the past year, NIWA’s meteorologists have been on call to provide real-time, comprehensive information about weather patterns that may accelerate a fire.
  • Calculated risk

    Feature story
    Imagine if you could foresee what would happen to your home in a severe flood or tsunami, and then work out how to prevent or reduce the impact before any such event occurred.
  • NIWA invests $18 million  in New Zealand’s future

    Media release
    NIWA is placing the future of New Zealanders at the heart of its operation by investing in new supercomputers that will significantly enhance scientists’ abilities to solve crucial issues facing the country.
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    Flooding - how does it happen?

    Education Resource
    Understanding what happens above and below ground during a flooding event, and how it is different from normal rainfall conditions
  • Average soil moisture deficit onset and termination maps

    Maps of the average first and last dates of soil moisture deficit are shown here.
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    Hotspot Watch Updates

    This weekly update helps assess likelihood of extremely dry weather preceding a drought. Regions experiencing severely to extremely drier than normal soil conditions are deemed “hotspots”
  • New Zealand Drought Monitor

    The New Zealand Drought Monitor is a system for keeping track of drought conditions across New Zealand based on a standardised climate index.
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    Riparian management classification

    Management of stream riparian areas - including vegetation and stock access - influences the health of streams and downstream water bodies.