Water take and geothermal
How do geothermal energy generation activities potentially influence water flows?
How do geothermal energy generation activities potentially influence water flows?
Once geothermal water has been used, it is disposed of by discharging into surface waters or by injecting it straight back into the geothermal system or into deep groundwater. Discharging geothermal water into surface waters can impact water flows, water quality and mahinga kai by changing the acidity (pH) of the water, adding high levels of chemical contaminants (like arsenic), and increasing river temperatures.
Book: Kaitiaki Tools
- Mitigation and best practice options
- What is Kaitiaki Tools?
- What is the proposed activity or industry?
What impacts interest you?
- Chemical contamination
- Mitigation and best practice options
- Dissolved oxygen
- Infectious substances
- Instream barriers and altered water flow
- Modified habitat
- Nutrient overloading
- Sediment
- Temperature changes
- Water clarity
- Loss of riparian vegetation
- Mahinga kai - what species interests you?
- About the resource consent process