Here are some simple steps to minimise the effects of nutrient overloading on water quality and mahinga kai.
- Fence waterways to prevent stock access.
- Create a buffer zone of long grass from 5 to 10 m width to filter overland flow of nutrients to waterways.
- Reduce nutrients and contaminants from entering waterways by planting riparian margins and maintaining and incorporating vegetated swales and constructed wetlands.
- Recover and reuse spilled raw materials and products.
- Minimise pollution of receiving waterways through effective primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment of raw sewage. Avoid discharging directly into waterways.
- Divert runoff of faecal material from farm tracks to traps and fields.
- Assess the weather, pasture growth, and fertiliser application rates prior to applying fertilisers on land using appropriate nutrient management practices.
- Upgrade wastewater treatment systems.
- Use household cleaners that are easily biodegradable - this can reduce nutrients discharged into systems rather than needing complex and expensive treatment.