Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Setting new baselines in the southern seas

    Feature story
    While most New Zealanders were settling into their summer break, some scientists were double-checking their survival gear before heading to work deep in the Southern Ocean.
  • Our changing oceans

    Feature story
    The on-going rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) that is fuelling climate change is also driving significant changes in the waters off our coasts.
  • NIWA's underwater health check

    Feature story
    At the bottom of our lakes are NIWA divers with waterproof clipboards. Sarah Fraser jumps in to find out what they’re doing.
  • Fighting fires - one forecast at a time

    Feature story
    When fire came to Pigeon Valley, Fire and Emergency came to NIWA.
  • Climate Matters - shaping our climate solutions

    NIWA is bringing together decision makers and influencers from across New Zealand this month to shape the science we need to respond to our changing climate.
  • A bird's-eye view of our carbon balance

    Feature story
    Dr Sara Mikaloff-Fletcher is looking to turn the internationally accepted science of monitoring greenhouse gas emissions upside down – and the rest of the world is watching closely.
  • Endless summers

    Feature story
    Susan Pepperell reports on a region trying to cope with a changing climate
  • Protecting freshwater taonga

    Taonga species such as tuna (freshwater eels), kōura (freshwater crayfish) and kākahi (freshwater mussels) are central to the identity and wellbeing of many Māori.
  • Super-model for a worldwide stage

    Feature story
    Demands for new weather and climate predictions are unprecedented as nations struggle to understand their exposure to risk from severe climatic events.
  • From Gore to NIWA via NASA

    Feature story
    A science-fiction fan, amateur actor, and eternal optimist, is now NIWA’s Chief Scientist for Climate, Atmosphere and Hazards.
    Susan Pepperell finds out more.
  • Rotorua Te Arawa lakes

  • Fieldays Weather 2019: a mix of rain, sun, fog and fun

    Media release
    If you’re planning a visit to the National Agricultural Fieldays at Mystery Creek this week, here’s what you can expect from the weather.