
NIWA leads many ocean research voyages from the tropical waters of the Pacific to Antarctica, on our world-class research vessels.

  • Other vessels

    NIWA operates about 30 other Maritime New Zealand-certified vessels based at Bream Bay, Auckland, Hamilton, Rotorua, Turangi, Wellington, Nelson, Greymouth, Tekapo, Christchurch, and Dunedin.
  • (no image provided)

    Scientists set to delve into the secrets of the Cook Strait mega-canyon

    News article
  • 2017_Canterbury_plains_groundwater

    2017 - Canterbury plains groundwater

    RV Tangaroa Voyage TAN1703
    5 April – 1 May 2017
  • 2017 - Chatham Rise biodiversity

    2017 - Chatham Rise biodiversity

    Quantifying Benthic Biodiversity: a factual voyage report from RV Tangaroa voyage TAN1701 to Chatham Rise
    4 January – 2 February 2017
  • Tangaroa TAN1613 Voyage

    2016 - Hikurangi subduction and slips

    Tangaroa TAN1613 Voyage Report
  • 2016 - Colville Ridge Geophysics voyage

    The main output of this voyage is providing data and fundamental base maps for future regional prospectivity surveys, tectonic plate reconstructions, and general understanding of the architecture of the Kermadec backarc.
  • 2016_Otago_multibeam

    2016 - Otago multibeam

    Otago Multibeam 2: Great South Basin and Southern Canterbury Shelf.
  • Bluefish

    2016 - Kermadecs biodiversity

    The voyage to the Kermadec region is a collaborative expedition between NIWA, Auckland Museum, Kelly Tarlton’s, Department of Conservation, Auckland and Massey Universities, The PEW Charitable Trusts and Te Papa.
  • (no image provided)

    NIWA completes first bathymetric mapping of Lake Tekapo

    Media release
    NIWA researchers have spent part of the last month keeping a close eye on the bottom of Lake Tekapo to find out what it looks like and what is going on below the lake bed.
  • Scientists delve deep into oceans’ climate secrets

    News article
    NIWA’s research vessel Kaharoa carried out a three-week voyage to deploy the first Deep Argo floats to collect data on climate change at ocean depths of about 5700m.
  • Kapiti multibeam survey

    News article
    NIWA scientists use the latest multibeam echo-sounding technology to generate new charts of the seafloor around Kapiti island.
  • A mother humpback whale and her calf surface for air.

    2015 - Antarctic Ecosystems

    The six-week New Zealand-Antarctic Ecosystem Voyage saw RV Tangaroa travel through the Southern Ocean to the Ross Sea to conduct a range of scientific fieldwork. The voyage was a collaboration between Antarctica New Zealand, NIWA and the Australian Antarctic Division.