
NIWA leads many ocean research voyages from the tropical waters of the Pacific to Antarctica, on our world-class research vessels.

  • A humpback whale spyhopping out of the water.

    Tangaroa Marine Environment and Ecosystem Voyage 2018

    RV Tangaroa carried out a six-week voyage to Antarctica and the Southern Ocean between 9 February and 21 March 2018.
  • 2018 - Campbell Plateau moorings

    17 April 2018The R/V Tangaroa headed to the Campbell Plateau in April 2018, to the southeast of the South Island, to recover moorings and undertake a CTD survey.
  • 2018 - OBS Recovery

    The RV Tangaroa is assisting in New Zealand’s largest ever deployment of seafloor earthquake recording instruments in a bid to learn more about the earthquake behaviour of the tectonic plates beneath the east coast of the North Island.
  • 2018 - Chatham Rise hoki survey

    NIWA research ship Tangaroa has been chartered by the Ministry of Primary Industries to survey the Hoki fishery on the Chatham Rise during January and early February 2018.
  • View of Mount Hikurangi from offshore. Looking West. photo taken from R.V. Tangaroa in May. 2001

    2017 - Hikurangi subduction zone

    The Tangaroa assisted in New Zealand’s largest ever deployment of seafloor earthquake recording instruments in a bid to learn more about the earthquake behaviour of the tectonic plates beneath the east coast of the North Island.
  • 2017 - OBS Deployment

    NIWA research ship Tangaroa has been chartered by GNS Science to continue work in lowering Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) onto the seafloor of the Hikurangi subduction zone.
  • RV Tangaroa in Wellington harbour, 2017

    2017 - Kermadec trench biology

    This voyage is the first of a series of expeditions exploring selected trenches of the Pacific Ocean, starting with the Kermadec trench. It will investigate carbon and nutrient cycling by microbial communities in trenches exposed to different rates of organic carbon supply.
  • 2016-2017 - Voyage summary cover image

    2016-2017 - Voyage summary

    RV Tangaroa Summary Voyages 2016/17
    1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017
  • DART buoy

    2017 - NOAA tsunami warning station

    A tsunami reporting station situated in the Pacific Ocean that is currently off line is to be upgraded in a joint operation involving New Zealand and United States government agencies.
  • Juvenile sea urchins sampled from part of Kaikōura Canyon.

    2017 - Kaikōura coastal zone

    NIWA vessel RV Tangaroa visted Kaikōura in September 2017 to investigate the impacts of the earthquake in the coastal zone, which includes effects on rocky reef habitats and communities, pāua fishery and Hector’s dolphins.
  • 2023_04_IKATERE_NAPIER_MAPPING_mackay

    RV Ikatere

    A versatile inshore vessel, RV Ikatere is equipped with high-precision multibeam and sub-bottom profiler transducers for surveying and mapping the seabed.
  • RV Kaharoa

    Kaharoa is capable of working throughout New Zealand's EEZ and further afield.