
All NIWA research projects

  • Tsunami generated by underwater volcanoes

    Research Project
    Marsden-funded research investigating how erupting volcanoes can cause deadly and damaging tsunamis.
  • Sea2Cloud – how marine aerosols influence the atmosphere and climate

    Research Project
    Clouds over the ocean, and how they trap or emit radiation from the sun, are partly influenced by the biology, biogeochemistry and physics of the surface ocean below.
  • eFlows Explorer

    Research Project
    The eFlows Explorer webtool is designed to aid broad-scale river flow management planning across New Zealand
  • Community Air Watch Arrowtown

    Research Project
    Community Air Watch Arrowtown enables members of the public to use new technologies to participate in studies of air quality.
  • Schools Air Watch

    Research Project
    Schools Air Watch enables school classes to use new technologies to participate in a study of air quality in their own community.
  • Community Air Watch Invercargill

    Research Project
    Community Air Watch Invercargill enables members of the public to use new technologies to participate in studies of air quality.
  • Climate changes, impacts and implications for New Zealand

    Research Project
    The Climate Changes, Impacts & Implications project ran from 2012 to 2016 and aimed to update and improve projections of climate trends, variability and extremes across New Zealand out to 2100.
  • Air Grid: using grid monitoring to map air quality

    Research Project
    Air quality is almost never consistent across NZ’s towns – polluted air can readily be transported on the breeze and accumulate in different locations.
  • NIWA’s Estuarine Trophic Index

    Research Project
    Constructed wetlands, detention bunds, woodchip denitrification filters and planted riparian buffers are examples of a growing suite of edge-of-field and farm-scale mitigation systems that are being trialled across rural New Zealand to reduce the impact of diffuse pollution on freshwater quality
  • Maniapoto Cultural Assessment Framework

    Research Project
    Te Nehenehenui (previously Maniapoto Māori Trust board) and NIWA are working collaboratively to support Ngāti Maniapoto whānau to reconnect with and participate in the assessment of their freshwater according to their values.
  • Aquaculture Publications

    Research Project
    A summary of the main scientific publications, conference presentations and popular science publications.
  • Eutrophication Risk Assessment

    Research Project
    Eutrophication occurs when nutrients in streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries cause excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae (primary producers).