Our Services

NIWA’s science services are delivered by our dedicated National Centres. Each centre conducts a raft of research contributing to a high level outcome for New Zealand.

  • RotoTurf_DecisionSupportTool

    RotoTurf Suitability Decision Tool

    Software Tool/Resource
    A tool to support decision-making on the suitability of RotoTurf for your waterbody
  • species selector cover image

    RotoTurf Macrophyte Species Selector

    Software Tool/Resource
    A tool to select aquatic plant species that will support restoration of degraded freshwater.
  • Tamaki Drive Auckland Flooding

    Storm-tide red-alert days 2025

    Storm-tide red alerts mark the highest king tides, crucial for emergency and coastal hazard managers to monitor.
  • shallow_GW_icon_fill

    Shallow groundwater hazard screening tool

    Software Tool/Resource
    A risk screening tool that identifies areas of potential exposure to shallow groundwater hazards.
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    Climate Station daily/hourly data

    NIWA collects daily/hourly data as part of the Climate Station Network. Parameters vary station to station.
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    Climate Station raw data (10 min)

    NIWA collects and generates as part of its Climate Station Network observational data in “10 min” format (data reported in 10 minute intervals).
  • \\niwa.local\archive\National\Datasets\Videographer_Video_Archives\ARCHIVE\2024\2024_09_HAMILTON LABS\PHOTOS\EDITED\LOW RES

    NIWA Datasonde service

    Maintaining good water quality is important for healthy ecosystems and healthy humans. NIWA are experts in providing and servicing the water quality monitoring equipment you need to effectively monitor water quality in lakes, streams, coastal waters and estuaries
  • NIWA can help you leverage updated climate projections

    NIWA is using updated climate projections to help New Zealanders better understand climate-related risks.
  • FP_tool_cover

    Fish Passage Assessment Tool

    Software Tool/Resource
    An easy-to-use system for recording instream structures and assessing their likely impact on fish movements and river connectivity.
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    Fish Passage Barrier Assessment Reporting Tool (BART)

    Software Tool/Resource
    An interactive webtool to support barrier prioritisation and fish passage environmental reporting. 
  • Weather hazards

    NIWA weather and climate information

    Software Tool/Resource
    Free sources of weather and climate information and data from NIWA.
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    Climate stations statistics

    NIWA generates ‘Statistics’ from Climate Station Observations collected as part of our Climate Station Network.