Climate change

Climate change effects are accelerating, driving the need for actions informed by sound climate knowledge.

Glacier Extinction Horizons
  • NZ Snowline Survey

  • Solutions: Regional climate change

    Feature story
    As climate change takes hold, regional council planning, sustainability and hazard managers are looking to NIWA for help to understand how their communities will be affected.
  • NZ snowline shrinks

    Feature story
    New Zealand’s glaciers have all retreated and lost volume since NIWA started surveying them in 1977.
  • Scientists measure glaciers after record-beating summer

    Media release
    Climate scientists and glaciologists are taking to the skies this week to find out how New Zealand’s glaciers are faring following this summer’s record-breaking warmth.
  • Swamp kauri providing a window to the past for scientists

    Media release
    Ancient swamp kauri is being used by NIWA scientists to reveal the secrets of past climates.
  • Five more days from the official hottest summer on record

    Media release
    Despite a sub-tropical storm and two ex-tropical cyclones, this summer is about to become the hottest in history.
  • Blog: atmospheric gas measurements - 21 February

    21 February 2018John McGregor from NIWA checks on the instruments that measure atmospheric gases throughout our voyage.
  • Auckland region climate change projections and impacts | Auckland Council

  • Warmer seas make whales more difficult to find and track

    Media release
    A two-week expedition to tag blue whales in New Zealand waters for the first time, almost came up empty due to warmer sea temperatures causing the animals to change their behaviour.
  • Warming ocean to alter ecosystems and affect fisheries by end of century, says NIWA scientists

    Feature story
    Rapid warming of the ocean near Tasmania may provide a good indication of how the water around New Zealand will change as the planet warms, say NIWA scientists.
  • Winters much shorter than they once were, says NIWA

    Media release
    New Zealand winters are a month shorter than they were 80 years ago, NIWA scientists say.“This is a consequence of rising temperatures around the globe, and such trends in colder temperatures and frosts will influence the life cycle of plants and animals” - Dr Brett Mullan.
  • Dramatic sea ice decline limits NIWA’s Antarctic research

    Media release
    A dramatic change in sea ice this year is likely to hamper a NIWA-led research project aiming to better understand how ice shelves will melt as the ocean warms.