Scientists say methane emitted by humans ‘vastly underestimated’
Media release20 February 2020NIWA researchers have helped unlock information trapped in ancient air samples from Greenland and Antarctica that shows the amount of methane humans are emitting into the atmosphere from fossil fuels has been vastly underestimated. -
The man of many pathways
Feature story01 February 2020Dr Rob Bell worked out a long time ago that sea-level rise is much more than a scientific problem. No wonder then that people say his ability to listen is one of his best traits. -
Ten years of the weather with you
Feature story30 December 2019In the past 10 years, more weather records have been broken than in any other time in New Zealand’s history. -
Projected regional climate change hazards
This page provides a summary of projected climate change hazards. -
Hottest November on record: NIWA climate scientists
Media release04 December 2019New Zealand has just experienced its hottest November on record, according to NIWA climate scientists. -
The week it snowed everywhere
Media release21 November 2019Novel handwriting recognition project casts new light on historic weather data. -
Handwriting recognition casts new light on climate change
Planning an ocean observation network
Media release03 October 2019New Zealand’s changing ocean environment has prompted the call to develop a system that will keep closer tabs on information from scientific monitoring buoys so the data they produce can be shared as widely as possible. -
Covering Climate Now
Media release17 September 2019Expect to hear a lot more about climate change in the news in the weeks ahead – and a lot about NIWA’s work underpinning the science that is signalling a warmer world right now and its effects in the future. -
How do clouds modify the response of mountain glaciers to climate change?
Research ProjectWhile we know that glaciers are sensitive to changes in their local climate, our understanding of exactly how mountain glaciers will respond to climate change is incomplete. -
Adaptive futures: a serious game for climate change adaptation
Research ProjectNIWA is using serious games to look at problems holistically and provide a framework for climate change adaptation decision-making. -
New reports highlight flood risk under climate change
Media release21 August 2019Two reports released today by NIWA and the Deep South National Science Challenge reveal new information about how many New Zealanders, how many buildings and how much infrastructure could be affected by extreme river and coastal flooding from storms and sea-level rise.