Profile: Wills Dobson - small town, huge horizons
Feature story05 October 2017If it wasn't for a damaged shoulder, Wills Dobson wouldn't be launching weather balloons or fixing high-precision atmospheric measuring instruments. -
Tiny air bubbles reveal new information about greenhouse gas emissions
Media release24 August 2017Sitting at the surface of Taylor Glacier in Antarctica, are layers of ice more than 10,000 years old. And trapped inside those layers are bubbles of ancient air – like tiny time capsules - able to tell scientists a story about what the world used to be like and how humans have changed it. -
What are ppm and ppb?
PPM and PPB are units used in atmospheric chemistry to describe the concentration of gases. -
NOAA Satellite data
Like the GMS satellite, the NOAA Series of polar orbiting satellites (operated by NOAA, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) are a component of the World Weather Watch meteorological satellite network. -
How can carbon emissions be weighed?
The mass of carbon emissions can easily be calculated. -
Real-time UV Index displays
NIWA has developed a real time UV display in consultation with the Cancer Society and Sunsmart. -
Atmospheric ozone, ultraviolet radiation, and stratospheric change
Research ProjectCFCs have damaged the ozone layer and led to higher UV levels and increased health risks. Our role is to understand the causes and effects of ozone depletion, to inform the public of the risk. -
UVI forecast for Specific Sites
Check out UV index forecasts for locations in New Zealand (including ski fields), Australia, the Pacific and Antarctica. -
Trace gas datasets
ServiceNIWA makes a range of trace gas data freely available on our FTP site.