TCCON project glossary
Bio-oil from wastewater algae
Research ProjectThis project will demonstrate the commercial feasibility of producing bio-oil by the conversion of algae biomass that has been grown in wastewater treatment facilities. In particular we aim to maximise algae production in High Rate Algal Ponds (HRAP) by adding carbon dioxide, and demonstrate energy efficient conversion of algal biomass to bio-oil. -
NZ SOLAS (Ocean–Atmosphere Interactions)
Research ProjectThis research aims to provide better predictions of changes in the ocean and climate system, particularly the way in which the ocean around New Zealand regulates greenhouse gases and clouds. -
Backward trajectory of southerly air arriving at Baring Head
FacilityVarious meteorological parameters, such as wind speed and direction, air temperature and relative humidity are also measured at Baring Head. -
Presentations from previous air quality workshops
Presentations from NIWA’s air quality workshops are available on this page. -
Mobile air quality monitoring trailers
NIWA's mobile air quality monitoring trailers contain equipment capable of measuring a range of key air contaminants and meteorological parameters. -
Instrumentation at NIWA Lauder
FacilityThere is a wide range of instruments at Lauder, which are listed on this page.