B.Sc., M.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D.; Director: Te Waiora Joint Institute for Freshwater Management
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Chris is an aquatic ecologist with a MSc (Hons) and PhD from the University of Waikato. He is a Principal Scientists in the Aquatic Pollution Group. He previously led NIWAs Aquatic Rehabilitation and Protection Programme and co-led the Innovative Resilient Land and Water Use Theme of the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge. He has over 35 years of research and consultancy experience on the ecology and functioning of natural and constructed wetlands, and application of a wide range of ecotechnologies for treatment of urban, industrial and agricultural wastewaters and diffuse pollution. He has consulted widely with engineers, industry and government on the design, assessment, restoration and management of treatment systems, authored over 80 research publications and book chapters, led demonstration projects on farms, in small communities, towns, papakainga and marae in New Zealand and villages in Fiji, and translated his research into enduser guidelines to promote improved practice and uptake.
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Constructed wetland guidelines