Some of the useful methods, guidelines and modelling tools we've developed to assist with management of freshwaters.
Eutrophication Explorer
A web application tool to explore monitoring data and model predictions related to stream and estuary eutrophication -
Managing mangrove expansion
This manual aims to provide the guidance needed to manage mangrove expansion, while maintaining the ecological integrity of estuaries and harbours. -
River Environment Classification
Research ProjectThe River Environment Classification (REC) is a database of catchment spatial attributes, summarised for New Zealand's river network. The attributes were compiled for the purposes of river classification, while the river network description has been used to underpin models. -
Riparian management classification
Management of stream riparian areas - including vegetation and stock access - influences the health of streams and downstream water bodies. -
Guide to restoring freshwater native fish in streams
Guide to restoring kōura (freshwater crayfish) in lakes, rivers and streams
Habitat degradation and the introduction of exotic plant and fish species have adversely affected kōura populations throughout New Zealand. However, there are a number of measures that we can use to restore kōura populations in lakes, rivers and streams. -
Shallow lakes restoration workshop
Shallow lakes are highly valued but often degraded in New Zealand. -
Tau kōura sample collection and processing protocol
Tau kōura is a traditional Māori fishing method commonly used to harvest kōura or freshwater crayfish in areas where they are abundant.