Island Climate Update

A monthly summary of the climate in the tropical South Pacific islands, with an outlook for the coming months.

March-May 2025 Island Climate Update

The ocean and atmosphere are in a weak La Niña state that will likely be brief, primarily focused on the central Pacific (i.e., La Niña “Modoki”). There is a 35% chance that La Niña will continue through March-May 2025 and a 65% chance that ENSO-neutral conditions will return.

As of 17 February, the 30-day NINO3.4 Index (in the central equatorial Pacific) was -0.65˚C, slightly in the La Niña range. The 30-day relative Niño 3.4 Index (RONI) was -1.20˚C, reflective of the central equatorial Pacific being significantly cooler than the average of the global tropics.

The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) was in the La Niña range during December-February (+0.6), while the February value was +1.0 (in the La Niña range).

The subsurface equatorial Pacific is 2˚C to 4˚C cooler than average just below the surface in the east of the basin, while above average upper oceanic heat content continues in western parts of the Pacific basin, which is a La Niña signature

The South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) was located well south of its climatological normal position during February.

During March-May, model guidance favours an enhancement in convective forcing over the western Pacific and Maritime Continent, consistent with La Niña-like patterns. This may lead to enhanced rainfall for some island groups such as Palau, Guam, Northern Marianas, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and southern Papua New Guinea east to Niue. However, drier than normal conditions are likely to persist for island groups along the equator (see pages 6-7 for more information).

Tropical cyclone season continues through April 2025. Tropical cyclone chances may be greatest in the Southwest Pacific through early March with cyclone chances increasing again in late March as a pulse of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) enters the western Pacific.

Additional resources

Additional regional and country situation summary and forecast information can be obtained below. Current rainfall accumulation status and other derived summary information are updated on a daily basis (with a 2-day lag), with seasonal forecast information updated once per month.

About the Island Climate Update

NIWA is the Network co-lead for the WMO RA V Regional Climate Centre Node on Long Range Forecast and consortium member for nodes on Climate Monitoring, Operational Data Services and Training.

Development and production of the ICU is supported by NIWA Strategic Science Investment Funding under contract PRAS2301. The Island Climate Update bulletin and associated video and products are prepared as soon as possible at the start of each month. Delays in data availability occasionally arise. While every effort is made to verify the data, NIWA does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the analysis and forecast information presented and accepts no liability for any losses incurred through the use of this bulletin and its contents. The contents of this bulletin and all associated products produced by the Island Climate Update may be freely disseminated provided the source is acknowledged.

You can follow the Island Climate Update on Facebook and Twitter.

View past monthly Island Climate Update issues (2001 to present) here Island Climate Update | NIWA


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    Island Climate Update 222 - March 2019

    Over the past month, Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) remained above average in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, particularly near and just west of the International Dateline. The NINO3.4 index SST anomalies however remained just below +0.5 ̊C during February 2019.
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    Island Climate Update 221 - February 2019

    Over the past month, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central Pacific have remained above normal particularly near and west of the International Dateline, although declined slightly below the conventional threshold for El Niño.
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    Island Climate Update 220 - January 2019

    Over the past month, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central Pacific have remained above normal with the NINO3.4 index anomalies currently exceeding +0.8°C
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    Island Climate Update 219 - December 2018

    Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) across the east-central tropical Pacific have reached weak El Niño conditions.
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    Island Climate Update 218 - November 2018

    Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central Pacific (NINO3.4 Index) warmed notably over the past month, increasing from an anomaly of +0.25°C in September to +0.75°C in October.
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    Island Climate Update 217 - October 2018

    For the sixth consecutive month, ENSO-neutral conditions persisted across the tropical Pacific.
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    Island Climate Update 216 - September 2018

    For the fifth consecutive month, ENSO-neutral conditions persisted across the tropical Pacific. However, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the vicinity of the Dateline continued to warm during August 2018. Preliminarily, the NINO4 Index is now on the El Niño side of neutral at +0.61°C (was +0.45°C last month) but the NINO3.4 Index remained in the neutral range at +0.28°C (was +0.47°C last month).
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    Island Climate Update 215 - August 2018

    El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral conditions continued across the tropical Pacific during July 2018. Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central equatorial Pacific warmed for the fourth consecutive month and are currently slightly above average. The NINO3.4 is currently positive with a value of + 0.46°C for July 2018.
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    Island Climate Update 214 - July 2018

    El Niño –Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral conditions continued across the tropical Pacific during June 2018. Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central equatorial Pacific warmed for the third consecutive month and are currently slightly above average. The NINO3.4 is currently weakly positive with a value of + 0.27°C for June 2018.
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    Island Climate Update 213 - June 2018

    ENSO-neutral conditions persisted in the tropical Pacific during May 2018. Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean continued to warm during May and are now near or slightly above average. The NINO3.4 is currently close to zero (+0.01°C for May 2018).
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    Island Climate Update 212 - May 2018

    Weak La Niña conditions transitioned to ENSO-neutral in the tropical Pacific during April 2018. Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean remained below normal during April 2018, but continued to weaken relative to March values.
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    Island Climate Update 211 - April 2018

    Weak La Niña conditions continued in the tropical Pacific during March 2018, but trends in low-level winds and in sub-surface ocean temperatures during the month indicate that the event is coming to an end.
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    Island Climate Update 210 - March 2018

    Weak La Niña conditions continued in the tropical Pacific during February 2018, but the current state of the Ocean-Atmosphere system in the Equatorial Pacific indicates that it is now reaching its decay phase.
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    Island Climate Update 209 - February 2018

    Weak La Niña conditions continued in the tropical Pacific during January 2018. Below average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) remained present in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean but warmed slightly compared to December 2017.
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    Island Climate Update 208 - January 2018

    Weak La Niña conditions persisted in the tropical Pacific during December 2017
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    Island Climate Update 207 - December 2017

    The tropical Pacific is still officially in a ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) neutral state, but some indicators have leaned more towards La Niña conditions during the course of October 2017.
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    Island Climate Update 206 - November 2017

    The tropical Pacific is still officially in a ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) neutral state, but some indicators have leaned more towards La Niña conditions during the course of October 2017.
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    Island Climate Update 205 - October 2017

    La Niña-like signals in the ocean–atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific Ocean have become more prominent and coherent in September 2017, although have not yet reached the thresholds required for a La Niña event to be declared.
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    Island Climate Update 204 - September 2017

    ENSO (El Niño –Southern Oscillation) neutral conditions (neither El Niño nor La Niña) continued in the tropical Pacific during July 2017, mixed signals were again present this month. Some atmospheric patterns have been recently leaning more towards weak La Niña conditions.
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    Island Climate Update 203 - August 2017

    ENSO (El Niño –Southern Oscillation) neutral conditions (neither El Niño nor La Niña) continued in the tropical Pacific during July 2017, mixed signals were again present this month.
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    Island Climate Update 202 - July 2017

    The tropical Pacific remained in an ENSO (El Niño –Southern Oscillation) neutral state (neither El Niño nor La Niña) during June 2017, but oceanic and atmospheric anomalies were mixed, with some indicators leaning towards El Niño and others towards La Niña.
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    Island Climate Update 201 - June 2017

    International guidance still suggests that a transition toward El Niño conditions over the next three month period (June –August 2017) is more likely than not.
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    Island Climate Update 200 - May 2017

    The tropical Pacific overall remained in an ENSO (El Niño –Southern Oscillation) neutral state (neither El Niño nor La Niña) during April 2017. 
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    Island Climate Update 199 - April 2017

    The tropical Pacific is currently in an ENSO (El Niño – Southern Oscillation) neutral state, although some of the indices are indicative of La Niña conditions.